Library Trustees

Pursuant to NH RSA 202-A:6 Library Trustees shall have the entire custody and management of the public library and of all the property of the town relating thereto, including appropriations but excepting trust funds held by the town.

The Board of Library Trustees consists of three members elected for 3-year terms, with up to three alternates appointed annually.

Meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month at 3:30 pm unless otherwise noticed. Notices will be posted at the library and on the Thornton Public Library website. You can contact the library at 726-8981 for any last-minute or emergency changes in meeting dates and times. Please see the Library website for Library Trustee meeting minutes.

Board Members

Name Title
Diane Gravel Member (2025)
Anita Ross Member (2027)
Marty Humphrey Member (2026)